Financial Aid Policy and Application
Nature's Schoolhouse is dedicated to providing an exceptional education while keeping tuition accessible for all families. We recognize that some families may need additional support and, therefore, offer limited financial aid through our partnership with The Community Learning Foundation (CLF).
Application Timing:
Financial aid applications are open annually starting January 15th of each year. New families wishing to apply must first pay the non-refundable application fee $75 per student to secure their spot. Once a financial aid decision has been made, families will have three business days from the award notification date to confirm enrollment. After this period, the reserved spot will be released to other applicants.
Financial aid is awarded based solely on financial need. Families with an annual income under $100,000 and/or more than two enrolled learners are eligible to apply.
Available Aid:​
Only partial scholarships are available, typically ranging from $500 to $1,500 per family; no full scholarships are awarded. The total amount of aid available each year depends on funds raised during the prior year’s fundraising efforts.
Application Process:
To apply for financial aid, families must complete the online financial aid application form and submit the following documentation:
Proof of Income: This includes the most recent tax return, one full month’s worth of recent paycheck stubs, or recent bank account ledgers.
A Photo of the Learner(s): Upload a picture of the child(ren) applying for financial aid.
Personal Information: Provide details such as the student’s name, date of birth, grade level, current school, and family contact information (including emails and phone numbers).
List of Attended Schools: Include the names and contact information of any schools the student has attended previously.
The completed application form must also include:
Information about the student's gender, living situation, and address.
Parent/guardian employment status and household income details, including an optional section for describing any extraordinary financial burdens.
A statement explaining why the family is applying for financial aid and why they should be granted the scholarship.
Review Process: Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by The Community Learning Foundation, an independent organization. CLF ensures fair and impartial distribution of financial aid, and Nature’s Schoolhouse cannot influence their decisions.
Application Timeline: Financial aid applications are open annually from January 15 until funds are exhausted. Families must submit their application and documentation within this window for consideration.
Distribution and Prioritization:
Funds are distributed based on applications submitted while funds are available. We do not prioritize returning families or specific grades. The scholarship funds will be applied directly to the student’s tuition account at Nature’s Schoolhouse. No funds will be disbursed directly to the family.
Scholarships do not cover the full cost of tuition, so families are expected to budget for the remaining balance. Additionally, financial aid must be reapplied for each year, as awards are not automatically renewed.
Financial aid decision letters will be sent by The Community Learning Foundation to both families and Nature's Schoolhouse. Families are encouraged to plan ahead, as scholarship funds are limited and cannot guarantee coverage of all demonstrated needs.
Limited Funds Disclaimer:
While we strive to keep tuition affordable, the availability of aid is contingent on the resources raised during the prior year. Financial aid funds are limited, and we cannot guarantee that all demonstrated needs will be met.